
Marketing Consulting

Marketing goes beyond social media and so should your marketing efforts. When hiring Forever Lucky you’ll boost profitability by focusing your marketing efforts.

Have You run a Competitive Analysis for your business?  We will and you’ll find out how your customers perceive you, find potential threats, avoid surprises and take action.

Can you implement a strategy with a marketing mix of price, product, place, and promotionWe will use strategic metrics to ensure you’re hitting your objectives.

Do you know how to select segments to targetWe do and we’ll help you increase profitability by ensuring your only targeting segments with significant potential.

Can you create a consistent message through content creation and design?  You can.  We’ll do it for you!

Full-Service Production Studio: Video Production, Website Design & Social Media Development

We’re storytellers headquartered in Vermont with filmmakers in New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania and have worked with clients on local and national campaigns.  Forever Lucky Films will give your story the emotional impact needed to promote your brand.

Before forming Forever Lucky Films, Creative Director Christopher Rodgers learned this craft in the production of hundreds of television commercials for such companies as the NFL, Microsoft, and HBO. He worked for self-help guru Tony Robbins‘ ensuring Tony’s message was delivered far and wide. Later, Chris worked on brand development within the gaming field employing successful marketing strategies for casinos and machine manufacturers.

Today, Chris deploys the same successful strategies for small businesses and non-profits.