Get Lost in Vermont – Vermont General Store Portal

The eleventh of fifty fictional places to visit in Vermont you won’t find in any travel guide, because even the locals don’t know they don’t exist.

Get Lost in Vermont – Vermont General Store Portal

The wind howled through the empty streets of Vermont, a lonely sound that seemed to echo the fate of the small town’s general store. Its uneven floors and good coffee had been a staple in the community for as long as anyone could remember, but now it seemed that the end was near.

These stores, with their limited selection of items, always seemed to have everything a person could need. And when one of them threatened to close its doors for the final time, it was a big deal.

But something strange always seemed to happen. Despite being on the brink of oblivion, the stores never seemed to stay closed for long. Someone or something always seemed to come to the rescue, leaving me to wonder what was so special about these old, dusty places.

I had to find out. And so I set off into the Green Mountains, determined to uncover the mystery of the Vermont general store. Deep in the heart of the mountains, I found a shop that had been saved three times in the last decade, a place with a certain Rockwell charm and the freshest maple donuts around.

As I stepped inside, I knew that I was about to uncover the secrets of a place that had long eluded me. And I could feel a sense of unease wash over me as if the spirits of the past were warning me to turn back. But I was determined to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

As I made my way through the crowded aisles of the general store, I couldn’t help but feel like I was being watched. With three employees for every customer, it was nearly impossible to go unnoticed. But I had a mission to complete, and I wouldn’t let anyone stand in my way.

I slowly made my way to the back of the store, my senses heightened and on alert. And just as I reached the final row, a family of campers stormed in, their raucous laughter and exclamations filling the air. I moved quickly, darting around them and towards the three doors that waited for me at the back of the store.

The first door led to a poorly lit bathroom that was surprisingly clean, and decorated in the same style as my grandma’s house. The second door was a closet filled with cleaning supplies and holiday decorations, while the third door was marked “Employees Only” and secured with a combination lock.

I knew I had to get through that door and fast. With the lock in my hands, I had one or two chances to get it right before being caught. And thanks to my years of lockpicking experience (and a little bit of Vermont pride), I managed to open the door on the first try.

As I slipped through the threshold, I found myself in an earthen room that seemed to defy all logic. Its walls and floors were made of dirt, and it was larger than the store itself. A dozen wooden doors were scattered throughout the room, each one marked with the name of a small town in Vermont. I was close to discovering the mystery of the Vermont general store, and I could feel the darkness closing in around me as I stepped closer to the truth.

I cautiously opened the door marked “Ripton,” trying my best to keep the old, creaky hinges from making a sound. Peering inside, I was surprised to find an earthen room that was almost identical to the one I had just left. Without hesitation, I stepped through the threshold and made my way toward the door marked “Store.”

As I opened that door, I was greeted with the sight of a different general store, one that was located an hour’s drive away from the first. Two men dressed in Civil War uniforms were browsing the aisles, and for a brief moment, I thought I had stumbled upon a time machine.

But as I walked into the store, I quickly realized that the men were just dressed up for a reenactment. Still, the experience left me feeling disoriented and confused. It was as if I had taken twenty steps and traveled twenty miles in the span of a few seconds.

It wasn’t until later that I learned the truth: the Vermont general store was actually a portal, a network of ten stores built over wormholes that allowed for instant travel throughout the state. It was a secret known only to a select few, a way to move around Vermont that was beyond the understanding of outsiders, locals, and even the laws of physics. And during those cold, snowy Vermont winters, it was the best way to get around the Green Mountains.

If you do try them, don’t make the mistake I did and forget where you parked the car. It’s a long walk.

One Comment Add yours

  1. mitch says:

    I love a short story with a crazy twist! And that almost cheeky final line left me with a smile. 😀
    I need to try and visit one of these stores 😛

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