AI’s Impact on Communication: Why It’s Not All Bad

I’ve given a few classes (in person) on AI and the response to the new tech especially for folks over 60 has been fascinating. They don’t fear it, but they’re skeptical. It comes down to this – not a single thing about AI is authentic.

Remember the early days of social media? It felt authentic, even exciting. But that authenticity faded, and the same companies are now leaning into AI without trying to retain any genuine connection.

Emails and written communication are increasingly generated and summarized by AI. The entire communication process is completed by computers without human involvement.  This may make some sense with processes like travel reservations or looking for information about interest rates or subscription cancellations. But I’ve already seen an overreliance on AI to write emails.  I’ve received requests for our film services written by prospective clients’ chatbots but read by no one but me.

This shift could make face-to-face communication more valuable than it has been in decades. Social media platforms risk becoming oversaturated with artificial content. Bots and AI language models create text that feels inauthentic.  

Authenticity is under fire in the AI world. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish between human-generated and AI-generated content online. This erosion of trust in online communication might drive people to seek genuine, in-person interactions. As AI takes over routine written tasks and becomes our de facto assistant; face-to-face meetings gain significance. These interactions are essential for building trust. They foster genuine connections and convey nuanced messages.

In-person interactions become more meaningful. AI struggles to capture the nuances of human conversation and no matter how human it feels when talking to an AI Chatbot it changes how you talk to it.  You know when you speak to a Chatbot and the cadence changes. You aren’t exactly you.

The rise of AI content emphasizes critical thinking. People must analyze and evaluate information sources, conspiracy theories sound more real when rewritten by AI and not an over-caffeinated tin foil fearmonger.  You can make up stories and write them in a way that persuades you more effectively.  I’ve done that on Tiktok with increasingly unbelievable stories like pumpkins the size of a bridge or dinosaurs in the Civil War. Somehow at least 2% believe my crazy fictitious stories.

Users need to separate authentic content from AI-generated text or images. I don’t think we are getting strict labeling anytime soon. This strengthens the value of interpersonal communication. It verifies information and establishes trust.

Let’s hope for a backlash.  Last week Adobe was criticized for updating its terms of service to allow analysis of user content with GenAI products. This sparked privacy concerns among users and security experts, who felt Adobe wasn’t prioritizing user trust.  They have previously positioned themselves as the good guys by not using photos and art on the internet without permission. Now they want to use their own users’ content to create AI-generated art.  Potentially putting their own subscribers out of business.

Users, frustrated with the lack of authenticity and the increasing artificiality of online content, may choose to abandon these platforms. There is a movement to leave Adobe but it’s too big.  It’s a blip.  Can we hope one day a rebellion against AI could lead to a renaissance of genuine, face-to-face interactions? People will need to prioritize real conversations and personal connections over digital communication, seeking authenticity in their daily lives. They’ve been fooled into thinking they are getting authenticity from random influencers and I’m not optimistic they’ll see it for what it is.

While AI revolutionizes written communication, it could lead to a resurgence in face-to-face interactions. Authentic human connections become crucial. In-person meetings build trust and convey nuances. Genuine relationships can flourish in an AI-driven world if we don’t over-rely on AI.

Ways Companies Can Be Authentic

  1. Personal Touch: Include real human engagement. A call or face-to-face meeting can build trust and rapport in ways AI cannot.  But tread lightly, phone calls can also turn off customers.
  2. Transparent Communication: Using AI? Label it.  Be transparent to differentiate your AI and Human interactions.
  3. Empathy and Understanding: Don’t be a lazy listener and have genuine empathy.
  4. Community Engagement: Go offline.  Participate in local events.
  5. Authentic Storytelling: Highlighting human experiences.
  6. Customer Feedback: Regularly seek and act on customer feedback.

I can work with you to be Authentic in the AI world.  Contact me for a free FACE TO FACE (or maybe zoom) consultation!

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