The Top 10 Free HubSpot Courses to Help You Get Certified and Land a Job

These are the boring bits, but they’ll be huge for your career and my SEO.   I kid, but are you looking to advance your marketing career?  Taking courses and getting certified by HubSpot Academy is a great way to things to add to your resume without having to spend thousands and make yourself stand out to potential employers.

HubSpot Academy offers a bunch of free online courses covering topics like inbound marketing, content creation, email marketing, and sales. These courses are self-paced and taught by industry experts, allowing you to learn at your own pace. There is a test at the end.

Many of the courses even offer certifications upon completion. Earning certification shows employers that you have mastered the skills covered in the course.

Here are 10 of the best free HubSpot courses to help you get certified and land a job, Plus I find them entertaining/short enough to keep you engaged and not need to pause.  I’m certified in a number of these, generally the marketing ones:

1. Inbound Certification

The Inbound Certification course covers the core concepts of inbound marketing. You’ll learn how to attract visitors, convert leads, and delight customers through valuable content and optimized experiences. This is the most popular HubSpot course and a great introduction to inbound marketing.   I recommend this to all my small business clients.

2. Content Marketing Certification

This is a good refresher.  Unless you are involved in creating and distributing valuable, relevant content to attract and engage a clearly defined audience then you can skip it.  This course will teach you how to develop a content strategy, create different types of content, and measure the effectiveness of your efforts.

3. Email Marketing Certification

Email still works and is a thing. This course covers building and sending effective email campaigns, and get automated.

4. Sales Enablement Certification

For the Mid-Manger type. This course focuses on creating and distributing sales enablement content to generate more leads and close more deals. Sales enablement involves equipping sales teams with the knowledge, training, and resources they need to have more informed conversations with prospects.

5. Inbound Sales Certification

The sister course of #1. The inbound sales methodology focuses on attracting and engaging prospects with relevant content.  This course will teach you how to develop an inbound sales strategy to attract more qualified leads and convert them more efficiently.

6. HubSpot Software Courses

HubSpot offers several courses on how to use its various software tools, including Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, Service Hub, and more. Learning how to leverage these tools can help you do your job more efficiently and effectively.

7. Social Media Certification

Required reading Gen X’s. Can’t deny what’s going on. Social media allows you to reach, engage with, and nurture prospects and customers. This course teaches you how to create and manage social media campaigns to support your overall inbound strategy; see above.

8. Blogging for Business Certification

Who cares about blogging?  Lots of folks.  Including me.  I need to get better and linking my blog.  It is a great way where you can owne you work with the above social media. I can help establish you as an industry thought leader while also generating leads. This course takes you step-by-step through the blogging process, from planning to promotion.

9. Agile Certification

Agile is an iterative approach to project management focused on collaboration, flexibility, and delivering value and if you use that word people listen. This methodology has applications well beyond software development it’s tech focused.

10. Customer Service Certification

I’m not gonna pretend I’ve finished this but providing excellent customer service is important.  This course covers principles for delighting customers and resolving issues.


Beyond these courses, HubSpot Academy offers many more covering topics like website design, analytics, product management, and more. The courses are a great way to learn in-demand skills at your own pace for free.   Check them out yourself.


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